

280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Welcome to CIBC!  We're so glad you're here.  We invite you to check out more about our church, its ministries, its people, and its resources while giving you a chance to connect with us.  We hope to see you soon!



Service Times

Sunday 11:00 AM



280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Welcome to CIBC!  We're so glad you're here.  We invite you to check out more about our church, its ministries, its people, and its resources while giving you a chance to connect with us.  We hope to see you soon!


(510) 452-1772

Service Times

Sunday 9:15 AM



280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et commodo elit, ornare finibus ligula. Sed tempor neque eu fermentum placerat. Fusce et viverra lacus. Donec viverra sapien vitae mauris laoreet, ut pretium dolor scelerisque.



Service Times

Sunday 11:00 AM

Sunday 12:15 PM

What to Expect

A Place Where You Can Experience the Love of God

We understand that visiting a new church for the first time can sometimes feel intimidating -- that's why we want to do whatever we can to make you feel welcome, safe, understood, and appreciated.  Knowing what to expect can pave the way to a great experience.  For this reason, we want to share some things with you to help you better prepare for your visit. 


Our church is located in Oakland's Chinatown district at the corner of Harrison and 8th Street.  Most of the people from our church park on the streets nearby the church.  On Sundays, parking is free around Chinatown.  Since our service begins at 9:15 AM, we recommend arriving about 10 minutes early so that you can be sure to find a parking spot close to the church.  If you are a first-time guest, please let us know ahead of time so we can be sure to save you a spot nearby.

If you need to park in the parking lot right next to our church on 8th St and block other people's cars on Sundays,  please remember to give your car key to the parking lot usher or people in charge in Room 101, and provide your name and contact number as well. In addition, please pick up your car key in the parking lot after the Sunday services as soon as possible. If you come late, please find your key in a black box on the wall of Room 101.

If anyone is in need of a ride to CIBC for Sunday Service, please contact Transportation Chairman Lawrence Mue at (925) 980-6713, or email him at

Where do I go?

When you first enter the building from the 8th Street side, you will be greeted by a friendly face.  Our greeters will direct you to the Sanctuary where we will gather together for morning worship.  All are welcome to attend.

Is there a place for my kids?

Yes!  We want your whole family, including your children, to feel welcomed as a part of our church family. That is why we have specific classes where your children will learn about God, His Word, and His love for them.  No matter what the age, stage, or situation, our dedicated, trustworthy, and loving teachers are here to welcome and support you and your family as part of our own.  

Our services begin with all adults and children together in the Sanctuary for about 20 minutes of congregational singing.  After that time, the children will be dismissed to go upstairs to Room 313 for Children's Church.  They will remain there through the rest of the worship service. If your family plans to stay through the second hour, our excellent teachers will also provide grade-level Sunday School classes for your child's spiritual enrichment.

Sunday Morning Worship

Each Sunday at 9:15 AM, we gather together for congregational worship. The worship service typically consists of congregational singing in a blended style of hymns and modern worship songs, a time of corporate prayer, and a message from the Bible.  The worship service concludes by 10:35 AM.

In-Between Fellowship (IBF)

In between the morning worship service and Sunday School, we invite you to join us in the Social Hall for refreshments, announcements, and a chance to connect with others.  We call this time "In-Between Fellowship", or IBF.  IBF is a great place to meet new people and hear about what God is doing through the different ministries of our church and around the world.  We hope to see you there!

Sunday School

Following the In-Between Fellowship (IBF), we will break for our Sunday School electives.  These classes are designed to enrich, empower, and equip you in your faith and service. If you choose to stay for the second hour, you can simply remain in the Social Hall for the general class or attend one of our other spiritual growth elective classes (location announced during IBF).  If you have children in the Sunday School, please pick them up on the third floor at 12:15 PM.