

280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Welcome to CIBC!  We're so glad you're here.  We invite you to check out more about our church, its ministries, its people, and its resources while giving you a chance to connect with us.  We hope to see you soon!



Service Times

Sunday 11:00 AM



280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Welcome to CIBC!  We're so glad you're here.  We invite you to check out more about our church, its ministries, its people, and its resources while giving you a chance to connect with us.  We hope to see you soon!


(510) 452-1772

Service Times

Sunday 9:15 AM



280 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et commodo elit, ornare finibus ligula. Sed tempor neque eu fermentum placerat. Fusce et viverra lacus. Donec viverra sapien vitae mauris laoreet, ut pretium dolor scelerisque.



Service Times

Sunday 11:00 AM

Sunday 12:15 PM

Mission & Vision

Our Mission

CIBC exists to exalt Christ, equip believers for service, and evangelize the lost. We want every
person to thrive as God intended us to be: growing in their love for God, building community in the
body of Christ, and bringing people into relationship with Christ wherever we go.

We promote a love for God by...

• Being intentional in our worship
• Celebrating the ordinances of Communion and the Believer’s baptism
• Preaching and teaching God’s Word in an uncompromising manner
• Modeling Christlikeness to others
• Providing opportunities to serve within and outside the Church
• Sharing the gospel locally and globally
• Partnering with Christian workers who serve locally and globally

We encourage the desire for community by...
• Making people feel welcome and accepted
• Framing our gatherings around the study and application of God’s Word
• Making disciples who desire to grow and multiply
• Doing Life (caring, sharing, celebrating) and serving together
• Forming and inviting people to join prayer, fellowship, and auxiliary groups
• Providing opportunities to share testimonies

We engage in the discipleship of people by...
• Meeting and serving together in fellowship, auxiliary, prayer, and discipleship groups
• Mentoring through personal discipleship and leadership training
• Being involved in local and global evangelism (missions)
• Partnering with para-church organizations in their evangelistic efforts
• Equipping, training, and empowering believers for the service of ministry
• Holding church members accountable and exercising church discipline

What We Believe
These beliefs guide us and ensure that everything we do is aligned with our vision.

• People matter to God and us (Luke 15)
• The gospel message transforms people’s lives (2 Corinthians 5:17)
• The goal of our ministry is to transform people into fully devoted followers of Christ (Matthew
28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11-16)
• Ministry and evangelism must be carried out in a relevant way (1 Corinthians 9:22b)
• People must be treated gently and respectfully. (1 Peter 3:15)
• People need to be connected to a caring community. (Acts 4:34-35)
• Every believer has a God-given ministry. (1 Peter 4:10)
• Everything we do must be done excellently, purposefully, and prayerfully. (Colossians 3:23-24,
2 Timothy 3:16-17, Philippians 4:6-7)
• Our church must have an evangelistic impact on our community. (Acts 6:7, 1 Thessalonians
• To accomplish our mission, we must be willing to step out in visionary faith and take risks for
God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Our Core Values
• We value the worship of God in spirit and in truth.
• We value prayer both personally and corporately.
• We value the caring of believers through a variety of fellowship ministries.
• We value the preaching, teaching and obeying the Word of God.
• We value the proclamation of the gospel locally and globally
• We value the spiritual growth, maturity and the development of Christ- likeness in every
individual and family.